Shake Handle(シェイク ハンドル)
間伐材を有効利用した買い物袋用木の持ち手「シェイクハンドル」。当商品は二つのことを実現しました。ひとつは日本の森から生まれる「間伐材」を 有効利用すること、二つ目は毎日の買い物におけるストレスを解消することです。毎日の買い物で商品を詰め込んだ重いレジ袋を持つ時、当商品を利用すると買い物袋の重さと、痛みが軽減されます。またパッケージには、間伐材から削りだす際にでる端材を緩衝剤として使用し、かつ使用している紙はFSCを使用しています。当商品をケースから取り出す際には、間伐材の角材から商品が生まれたことを直感的に理解できます。
”木の家”を商品とするハウスメーカーや、香港の グッドデザインショップでも販売し、日本の良質な木材のブランディングにつなげています。
The wood around the wood from thinning in Japan is also used as a package to reduce waste. The cases and products are kept solid so that shoppers can experience the beauty and warmth of the wood grain. The structure of the products is an arch shape that is easy for shoppers to grip, and the design is simple enough for them to understand its use without an instruction manual. Because craftsmen carve and manufacture each product individually from thinned wood, there are no glued surfaces. While solving the dual problems of reusing thinned wood and freeing shoppers from the weight of shopping bags, we have developed a case and package that can beautifully store products that make daily shopping convenient and fashionable.
To identify the product as one that was created from thinned wood, we incorporated the image of thinned wood itself into the package and emphasized a design that makes the most of the grain of the wood. Although machine work would have sped up the production of the part where the hole for hooking the shopping bag fits, we insisted on having it done by hand by craftsmen in order to emphasize the smoothness of the product when you hold it in your hand. It was difficult to achieve a shape with no corners, so we finally asked a workshop that manufactures wood toys for infants to help us out.
We want our products to last for a long time because they are used every day. With this in mind, we developed a case that can be stored repeatedly. The feel of the solid wood is preserved.
The products are sold to house builders who sell “wooden houses” as their products and to good design stores in Hong Kong, and are linked to the branding of quality Japanese wood.